Friday, July 23, 2010

My half way through the year resolutions

Okay, so I missed my half way through the year resolutions by 28 days, but I am here to declare them now! I am working on organizing my home room by room. No easy task as you might imagine. Everybody builds up clutter as they go through life. I wouldn't say that I have uncontrollable clutter, but my "stuff" is all over the place. There is no rhyme or reason to how I put things away. When I am looking for something, I can't remember where I put it. So I end up buying it again and after I buy it, I find the original. That seems to be how things multiply around here! My primary goal is to take about a month per room. That will find me by the end of the year organizing 5 rooms. That's do able right? I am also working on organizing my photos for scrapbooking. I used to be caught up, but that was about 6 years ago. I have alot of work to do. August will start my son's room. There, I said it!! I need to be held accountable. No more procrastinating! Yeah!!! I reached my goal for today! Making this post by noon!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great mid-year resolution!! I seriously need to take your lead!! :)
