Sunday, September 12, 2010


Just a comment on my 1/2 year resolution that I made in July to tackle a room a month in the quest for organization. My first project was my son's room. I am happy to report that Friday, I donated a bunch of clothes and old toys to charity that I collected from his room. I can now see under his bed, and his closet is much more organized. I still have a little work to do, but the feeling of accomplishment is intoxicating. It makes me want to do more. I am not quite done, so obviously I haven't made my  "room a month" commitment, but I am satisfied that I didn't give in to procrastination, but kept plugging away.  As I also mentioned in July, I started working in the garage. This room however is not as easily organized. It seems to be  a receptacle for the junk that accumulates daily. I would clean a section only to turn around and find more stuff that wasn't there five minutes ago. This is a bit more of a challenge. I will not give up! I can do it! I will do it! Now with that mini pep talk I will take this time to go and spend a little time in the garage before I have to pick up the kids from Youth Group!

1 comment:

  1. Keep us posted on this journey. I know it's one that I so need to join you in!! Just did my cabinets yesterday but sooooo much more to be done. It's amazing how much 'stuff' we aquire!!
