Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I am Thankful Day 16

I am beginning to think that maybe I should not have gotten out of bed today. What a sharp contrast from yesterday which had been fabulous. First I am getting a cold, so I am physically not feeling all that great. I feel extremely tired. Then I went to a doctor appointment that I thought I had, but then found out when I got there that it was LAST Tuesday!  I opened up my day planner, and sure enough it was last Tuesday. As I am reviewing the date book, I come to find that Nathan has an orthodontist appointment this afternoon, but he is planning to stay after school today, so I had to reschedule for another day. Well at least I noticed the appointment before i missed it. And now to top it all off, my Facebook account has been disabled and I don't know why. Once I find out what is going on, I probably will have to start from scratch. Right now I am afraid to move or touch anything because I don't know what else can go wrong!
Putting all that aside though, today I am thankful that God is in control and not me!  He knows what is ahead before I can even imagine what would happen.. Even when the times seem desperate and impossible, I can count on God to see me through. Knowing that,  I can forget the events of the morning and move forward. Praise God!!

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